7 Quotes & Sayings By Tracie Peterson

Tracie Peterson is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance novels filled with humor, heart and heart. Her stories are known for their clever banter and sexy, swoon-worthy moments. Tracie’s books have been translated in over twenty languages around the world. Tracie lives in New Jersey with her amazing husband, two awesome children, and two adorable but badly behaved dogs Read more

She has a long-standing love/hate relationship with caffeine

My ma always told me that when I found things were too hard to figure out, I could probably bet that I hadn't prayed on it first. Tracie Peterson
Merrill Krause - "My brothers have scared off just about any fellow who showed interest in getting to know me." Granny Lassiter - "Well, if a man can't stand up to those brothers of yours, you needn't even consider him. A man ought to be able to hold his own with his wife's family. Tracie Peterson
Merrill Krause - You mentioned God's will for me. How will I know what that is, Father?Bogart Krause - I've always believed it to start with prayer. The Good Book says that if a man wants wisdom, he just has to ask. I would imagine it works the same way for womenfolk. If you want to know what God's plan is -- then I would ask Him. Couldn't hurt to search the Scriptures, too. And listen to what He is telling you inside. Even when you don't think you're hearing anything, keep listening. Tracie Peterson
She didn't want to. She loved you. She loves you now. Yes, she hurt you and she made a terrible mistake in leaving you. But your father made mistakes, too, and you will, as well. We all make bad choices - decisions that would better be left to rot in the bottom of the barrel. But we can't undo them. We can only move forward. Tracie Peterson
Authors can get an attitude of us-against-them when it comes to publishers, but learning how authors and editors can work together taught me to look at my work in a different way and to make that work as solid as possible before it ever goes to the publisher. Tracie Peterson
Sometimes, my books start with a scene I see in my mind, such as a woman in a wedding dress running away from her wedding like in 'Embers of Love.' Sometimes, a book can start with a character. Tracie Peterson